
Lawn Tennis in 1995 (a view from 1885)

Always interesting how people in the past imagined the life in the following centuries. In this particular case, the artist attempts to guess how far the emancipation of women will go. If you notice, the two young ladies are playing lawn tennis with nothing else but a miniaturized gentleman.

"New Woman" of the late 1890s

The "New Woman", as portrayed in the 1890s. This image won a prize established by the "Picture Magazine" for best illustration on the subject. It is most curious that the very idea of a woman not wearing corsets was entirely unthinkable! Sure, she's got her fancy trouser-pantaloons (what horror!), but the corset must be worn no matter what.

Curious life-preserver

"The object is to provide the shipwrecked person with not only a meаns of flotation, but with complete shelter. Inside the enlarged upper chamber, it is proposed to place provisions and a water supply, so that the wearer can stay afloat for a month, if need be, with safety and comfort."

Late 19th century invention by Mr. Trangott Beek of Newark, N.J.

King of Monkeys

"Here is a portrait of Master Crowley, who, as you children may see, can enjoy his Christmas pudding as much as any of you. It is said that this monkey is very well behaved, and never talks at dinner table unless he is asked, and even then he always agrees with everybody, and shows his approval by remaining silent. He also never sucks his fingers, but uses his knife and fork in the proper manner, and, as may be see in the picture, he can laugh at a joke, but never does so boisterously. He never asks for two helpings of the same dish, and never spills gravy on the table-cloth -- in fact, he is acknowledged by all of his tribe as the King of Monkeys."

Hydraulic railway locomotive

This 19th century design was supposedly implemented in "some parts of California."

Gentleman with a muff

Portrait of William of Orange, demonstrating the use of a muff by gentlemen.
