Whereas the wonderful powers of this useful Machine are yet but little known, and even doubted by those who have not seen it, the Inventor has for their satisfaction prefixed a Plate representing his Shaving and Dressing Room with six Customers sitting. Pledges himself that his Machine will be foud to do its work in the most safe, smooth and efficacious manner with three scrapes or movements and that those who shall have once tried it will no longer entertain any doubts on the subject, but will smile at the thoughts of being again shaved in the ordinary manual way. The Large Machine, including brushes, cheek and chin razors, completely fitted for shaving from one to twenty persons at a time - seven guineas - and small ones for Gentlemen's private use at three guineas each - The Large Machines are particularly recommended to the Barbers in Fortified and Manufacturing Towns and Villages, on account of their expedition.
A. a small barel of Soap Suds. B. Soap brush. C. the razor. D. the Master of the shop who directs the position of his Customers' faces. Here his is desiring the Gentleman with the large nose to keep it more to the left, that it may be out of the way. The Pinion wheel E. being turned round, the Machine H. is put in motion & brought to E. and in passing along, the brush, followed by the razor, performs on the right cheek. The faces, the brush & the razor being then reversed a contrary motion of the Wheel does left the left Cheek. And the faces being again turned to the front, the fore beard is done by the instrument at I. which finishes the shaving. - The Boy on the foreground is employed in the ordinary & tedious mode of dressing a Wig. The inventor of the Shaving machine hopes soon to present a much more expeditious Plan of dressing, part of which is exhibited by the Figure on the background discharging the hair powdering gun along the line of Wigs - Seated near him, is a Gentleman already dressed reading the Newspaper - And behind him is a Stranger whose doubts are removed by seeing the ease and safety of the Shaving operation.
This was obviously a joke, but it should create some respect towards the shaving tools that we enjoy in our technologically advanced age.
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